Plodder Lane School 1951/52
by Vera Berry

Class 5 Plodder Lane School 1951/52
Teacher: Mr George Salt
Left to right:-
Back row: Barbara Richardson; Cynthia Rigby; Pat Houghton; Christine Wilkinson; Carole Speakman; Vivien Kindred.
Second row: Barbara Skeet; Pamela Brawn; Janet Dawson; Joyce Tonge; Joan Green; Carole Mann; Joyce Winwood; Irene Walmesley; Jennifer Conroy.
Third row: Jean Eglon; Eileen Cooper; Irene Charleston; Ann Berry; Jean Stones; Vera Berry; Elaine Freeman; Carole Skipp; Joan Higson; Phyllis Tonge.
Front row: Keith Jackson; Harry Taylor; Frank Seddon; Arnold Stevenson; Brian Yarrow; Peter Howard; Jack Eckersley; Malcolm Tonge.
Once Upon A Time
When Summer days were hot and long
And childhood pleasures gave delight,
When morning dew invited song
And happy smiles closed down the night,
We dangled upside down in trees,
Played hopscotch in the road,
We paddled in the rippling stream
Whilst watching out for toads.
On backs, we watched the birds on wing
Our hands and faces smeared with mud,
What joy we found in simple things,
In childish ways our lives were good.
And now, when life is such a race,
Gone are those artless pleasures,
Our children live at faster pace
And miss our long lost treasures.
Vera Berry 1997