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Great & Little Bolton Co-operative Society 1909


Central Premises, Bow Street

Central Premises, Bow Street

Outfitting Department and Entrance to Warehouse

Central Premises, Bridge Street

Central Premises, Bridge Street

Cooperative Large Hall, Grocery and Confectionary Depatments with Restaurant in Basement

Central Tailoring Department, Burnt Down 1902

Central Tailoring Department, corner of Bridge Street and St George's Road

Burnt Down 1902

Drapery Department

Drapery Department, corner of Bridge Street and St George's Road

rebuilt 1904

Eskrick Street Store

Eskrick Street Store

(Grocery Boot and Shoe and Butchering Department)

Daubhill Store No. 3

Daubhill Store No. 3

(Grocery and Butchering)

Burnden Branch

Burnden Branch

comprising Grocery, Butchering and Boot and Shoe Departments

Danby Road New Store

Danby Road New Store

(Grocery and Butchery)

Bakery Department, Kay Street
Bakery Department, Kay Street
Dairy Department, Kay Street
Dairy Department, Kay Street
All Saints' Street Stables
All Saints' Street Stables