Farming in Ladybridge
Geoff Dean has been in the dairy business in Ladybridge for many years.
His family farmed the land long before it became a housing estate.
The farm I grew up on was called Carlisle Fold Farm and this was situated opposite Junction Road,near the flats on Armadale Road. It was a mixed farm of approximately 50 acres. On it my father kept 24 cows and a few pigs. There were also 6 hen cabins each containing 90 free range hens.We also produced our own cream. Most of the produce was sold on our milk round. Each morning and evening we milked the cows and in the morning we bottled the milk by hand. We also had to wash the empty bottles by hand. We did this seven days a week.
Haymaking in the late 1940s
Field is now part of Deane golf course.
Looking towards Chorley New Road.
Carlisle Fold Farm about 195O
Looking towards Bolton from Beaumont Road.